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Donating Blood

Prepare for
your Visit.

We offer 2 types of appointments, In-Person and Over-the-Phone (what we call Virtual visit).






The majority of appointments offered at McKenzie Family Practice will be in person. We ask that you try to limit your concerns to 1 major concern - this allows us to use your appointment time most effectively for your care.


ALL PATIENTS ARE ASKED TO WEAR A MASK WHILE IN THE CLINIC IF THEY ARE EXPERIENCING RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS OF ANY KIND - even if that is not the reason for your visit - please ask the staff for a mask if you have forgotten yours.


If you are at higher risk please feel free to wear your mask and ask the staff if you would prefer the doctor to wear one for your visit - we want to balance your safety with staff comfort. Please help yourself to the hand sanitizer at the entrance on arrival!




Over the Phone (Virtual Visit):


We will only book you a phone appointment if you have been seen in-person in the clinic in the last 6 months - or your physician has requested to book a phone appointment with you. While these types of appointments are convenient we still need to see you to provide you the best medical care.


We cannot book you a phone appointment if you will be out of the province for your requested appointment time.


Virtual visits will be limited to 1 simple issue.

We are happy to book additional calls if needed to review the additional items.


**Make sure your ringer is on, you are by your phone and that your phone will accept blocked calls as physicians will be calling from a blocked number.


**Please be in an appropriate spot to take a phone call from your physician.
Don’t take the call when you are driving or in a place where you are unable to talk freely.


We try to stay on time but please understand we may call 30 minutes before or after your booked time slot, if we are unable to connect with you please reach out to our staff - in most circumstances we will ask you to rebook.


Prescriptions will be faxed to your preferred pharmacy, the staff will ask you to confirm your primary pharmacy at the time of your booking.


Virtual visit prescriptions may be issued for up to 3 months (90 days) but typically no longer - think of the virtual visit as a bridge.

Abusive behavior of any kind will not be tolerated, either over-the-phone or in person.

© 2023 Mckenzie Family Practice

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